The much-vaunted free bread was thin on the Jamie’s Kitchen table last night. There was apostrophe abuse, though.“Gotcha!”, our balcony-strutting colleague Bento thought when he got this. “They will be grateful after tapping into my expertise. Before you know it a drip becomes a flood.”My way of spelling chicen is catching on.Free bread, new chicen – all pretty inconsequential compared to the big-ticet stuff. My colleague Wally Dunning-Kruger and I will be at the Albion Hotel in Cottesloe this morning, listening to the great Thomas Anderson.
“If you’re currently paying off an alleged loan or wanting to learn the truth about banking you can’t afford to miss this.
Thomas is an expert on Commerce, Law, artificial entities/strawman, the matrix and so much more.
You can listen to Thomas’ previous interviews and purchase his books from his website here:“
“Note: RSVPing YES will not guarantee you entry on the day. You’ll need to send payment to the address listed above to insure you reserve a seat.
“If you’d like more info email Kerrianne at”
Sounds good to me. It starts at 10.30am, BYO lunch and drinks), and finishes at 4pm.
Tickets are $30, pre-paid. Maximum capacity 200 guests – don’t miss out! Mr Anderson says: “Strictly no photographic, camera or video recording devices or mobile phones will be allowed into the venue. Audio recording only is okay.”